Atabtract specializes in insuring commercial and residential title transactions throughout the United States.
Our passion for the title business is unrivaled. We are devoted to ensuring every real estate transaction closes in an efficient and professional manner.
From mortgage refinances and residential purchases to large, complex, commercial real estate transactions, Atabtract delivers precise solutions.
We connect our clients to a large network built on strong, trusted relationships with key professionals in the local, national and international real estate community.
Atabtract does commercial and residential title business throughout the United States and internationally from large, complex commercial transactions to residential purchase and mortgage refinances. Atabtract is built on a foundation of high standards of personal service and a commitment to excellence.
At Atabtract, our combination of skilled professionals, legal expertise and innovative technology allows us to provide exceptional service and precision throughout the entire closing process.
Below is a small sampling of the recent and current transactions Atabtract has handled.
$125 million acquisition of mixed-used property in Queens, NY
$275 million loan for hotel in California
$91 million loan for office building, New York, NY
$75 million acquisition of three industrial buildings in multiple states
$75 million acquisition of three industrial buildings in multiple states
123 Main Street
New York, NY 10001